
Pouria Sadeghi Blog Page

Stay Positive – Build Your Empire

Stay Positive – Build Your Empire

The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the world as we know it, and while it may
seem dire, there are lots of things we can all do to keep a positive mindset and make the most out of
isolation. No matter the circumstances, you have the power to control your future.
Now is the PERFECT time to be proactive with your self-development. Without the hustle and
the bustle of what was once our daily lives, there’s more time in the day to engage in activities that can help
advance you and your career.

Create a Vision Board

In order to ensure a productive future, start by writing down a list of goals you’d like to accomplish in
the short term (1-3 months), mid-term (3-6 months) and long term (6-12 months). Writing them down
makes them real and holds you more accountable to them. Your goals can be anything you’ ve always
thought of. The sky is the limit.
Whether it’s building your brand, expanding your business online, starting your first business, or
meeting your financial goals, listing your goals is the first step to manifesting your success.
Create a vision board with pictures of your goals, so you’ re always reminding yourself of them. The more
you see your goals, the more you think about them, and the more realistic they become. Below each,
write why you want to achieve this goal, how you’ re going to achieve it, and when you’ re going to
achieve it by.

Take Some Online Courses or Build Your Brand

Instead of wasting your day away, binge-watching Netflix, take advantage of online business courses or
develop your brand further. With us being in 2020, an online presence for any business should be their
number one priority; social media presence, powerful branding, engaging content, and captivating
visuals are all things you can focus on to enhance. The biggest room in a house is the room for
improvement. And the more you learn, the more you will earn.

Self-Development Books/Podcasts

The most important investment you can make in your life is the one in yourself. Success is about your
attitude, work ethic, and commitment to your goals; there’s no secret to it. Learning tips and tricks from
some of the most successful people in the world is a great way to learn and develop. As Cristiano
Ronaldo once said, " if you think you’ re perfect, you never will be." Learning how to stay true to your
vision, how to pick yourself back up when you’ve been knocked down or how to enhance your sales
ability to sell anything to anyone – you can always become better and stronger. Here are some podcasts
and books I recommend.


Millionaire Mindcast
Lewis Holmes – The School of Greatness
Andy Frisella – Real AF Podcast


• The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
• How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
• The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid
• Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
• The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
• Good to Great by Jim Collins


There will be two types of people in this world when things are back to normal. There will be the ones
who allowed themselves to break during this struggling time, and there will be the ones who took
advantage of this struggling time and rose above it. It’s your choice as to who you want to be. Achieving
success is like watching a plant grow; the more useful things you feed it, the more you’ ll get in return.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and let’s come out of this thing stronger and better than ever before.


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